Click on the image to download the pdf Vocabulary. Read and check you understand this before you read and listen to the article: census: an official count or survey, especially of population payroll: a list…
Browsing CategoryReading
21/05/15 Woofs and wifi: Is San Anton the world’s coolest church?
Click on the image to download the pdf Vocabulary. Read and check you understand this before you read and listen to the article: nestle (v): be situated in a half-hidden or sheltered position roll out…
14/05/15 Ben Folds: “Sometimes you sit on the song toilet and nothing comes out”
Click on the image to download the pdf Vocabulary. Read and check you understand this before you read and listen to the article: workshop: a discussion/study group guidance: help and direction, advice swap: to change…
07/05/15 Can car batteries power your home?
Click on the image to download the pdf Vocabulary. Read and check you understand this before you read and listen to the article: storage / to store: to accumulate for future use utilities: companies that…
23/04/15 WARNING to visitors: No SELFIE-STICKS allowed!
Click on the image to download the pdf Vocabulary. Read and check you understand this before you read and listen to the article: nuisance: something that causes inconvenience public realm: public domain, common knowledge premises:…
16/04/15 Catalonia to say adéu to long working days
Click on the image to download the pdf Vocabulary. Read and check you understand this before you read and listen to the article: to spell: to be a sign or characteristic of; to mean (context)…
09/04/15 Cervantes’ Tomb Found in Madrid
Click on the image to download the pdf Vocabulary. Read and check you understand this before you read and listen to the article: coffin: a wooden box for containing a dead body remains: parts…
26/03/15 Squash is the Healthiest Sport
Click on the image to download the pdf Vocabulary. Read and check you understand this before you read and listen to the article: flawed (adj): Characterized by flaws; having imperfections rack up (verb phrase): To…
19/03/15 Why I Love The Wire
Click on the image to download the pdf Vocabulary. Read and check you understand this before you read and listen to the article: set: to put (something or someone) in a particular place longshoreman/stevedore: a…
12/03/15 Two Lost Cities Found In The Honduras Jungle
Click on the image to download the pdf Vocabulary. Read and check you understand this before you read and listen to the article: effigy: a model representation of a person or object to bushwhack: to…