Weekly English Practice

Reading to learn is no walk in the park

In this week’s Weekly English Practice, ECP coach Ali describes how you can enhance your vocabulary by reading in English. Click on the image to download the pdf Reading to learn is no walk in the park Over the summer holidays, ECP coach Alison spent a lot of time reading in Spanish, but not in a relaxing way! Before you read the article, find this vocabulary…

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27/06/19 How To Create A Summer To Remember

In this week’s Weekly English Practice, ECP coach Alison talks about 5 things you can do to make this summer more memorable. Read the WEP to find out more!   Click on the image to download the pdf After much wishing and waiting, summer is finally here! But before you know it, September will roll around again. Instead of dreading the eventual end of summer,…

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20/06/19 Dublin’s ‘Ecopreneurs’

In this week’s Weekly English Practice ECP coach Darren talks about the positive side of recycling and sustainability. Read the WEP to find out more about Dublin’s ecopreneurs!   Click on the image to download the pdf Practices that have always made environmental sense are now making business sense Look at this vocabulary and find it in the text: swirling: move in a twisting or…

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130619 How To Be Pedantic

This week’s Weekly English Practice talks about being pedantic. How, when and why should we correct other people? Should we even correct them? Find out more in this week’s WEP!   Click on the image to download the pdf To be pedantic or not to be pedantic, that is the question When and how to correct people is a hot, and sometimes divisive, debate, especially…

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06/06/19 The Groundsman

This week’s Weekly English Practice looks at how Deportivo Alavés look after the pitch at their football ground. John Stewart, the groundsman, explains the problems that they face at Mendizorrotza.   Click on the image to download the pdf Interview* with John Stewart, groundsman of Deportivo Alavés *ECP Coach Kez tried to interview the elusive Scotsman John Stewart. Having had no luck, Kez invented the…

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30/05/19 Orbis: The First Ever Children’s Picture Book

In this week’s Weekly English Practice, ECP coach Alison looks into the Orbis Sensualium Pictus, the first ever children’s picture book.   Click on the image to download the pdf In the mid 17th-century, John Comenius published “The World of Things Obvious to the Senses drawn in Pictures” (Orbis Sensualium Pictus), considered by the Encyclopaedia Britannica to have been the first children’s picture book Before you read…

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23/05/19 Sicansíos (Dubbing Game of Thrones)

ECP Coach Rob is a big fan of Game of Thrones. In this week’s Weekly English Practice he talks about a problem that happened in the Spanish dubbing of a recent episode. Do you know what “Sicansíos” means? Click on the image to download the pdf Being a voice actor in Spain is becoming increasingly difficult and precarious as studios get paranoid about piracy and…

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16/05/19 What Is Online Trolling?

In this week’s Weekly English Practice, ECP coach Darren talks about online trolling, its origins and how it has changed from being a fun but harmless activity to become a damaging and harmful problem.   Click on the image to download the pdf Online trolling used to be funny, but now the term refers to something far more sinister Before you read the complete article,…

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09/05/19 From Gasteiz to Glasgow

ECP coach John has two daughters and in this week’s Weekly English Practice they chat about older sister Julene’s life in Glasgow, Scotland. To find out more, read and listen to this week’s WEP!   Click on the image to download the pdf An interview with Gasteiztarra Julene Hird (Juli) about her life in Scotland. Interview by Karla Hird (her younger sister). Before you read…

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02/05/19 Vegan Burgers

This week’s Weekly English Practice talks about vegan burgers and Burger King’s decision to start selling one in the United States. In the meantime, ECP coach Rob makes himself a burger at home and then talks with his mouth full. Make sure you listen to the quick joke at the end!   Click on the image to download the pdf Fast-food giant develops burger with…

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