The local market in Lakua (Vitoria-Gasteiz) opened 11 years ago with 90 stalls; now it doesn’t even have 40. Click on the image to download the pdf The local market opened 11 years ago with…
Posts TaggedECP
Drinking Too Much Water Can Be Dangerous
Do you drink too much water? The exact amount of water you need to drink every day isn’t eight glasses. Click on the image to download the pdf The exact amount of water you need to…
“Climate strike” is the Collins Word Of The Year 2019
“Climate strike”, a form of protest that took off just over a year ago inspired by the actions of Swedish school pupil Greta Thunberg, has been named Collins’ Word of the Year 2019. Click on…
UK Government Announces Fracking Moratorium
England joins Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in suspending fracking. But will the measure become permanent? Click on the image to download the pdf England joins Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in suspending the controversial…
The Killer Clown At Halloween
In 2016, the sighting of a killer clown began a craze that made it the scariest Halloween ever. Click on the image to download the pdf What would you do if you were walking home late…
Does Alava Have A Problem With Tourism?
Does Alava have a problem with tourism? How many tourists visit every year, and how many of them are foreigners? Read and listen to this week’s Weekly English Practice to find out! Click on the…
True Or False: Do You Believe The Stories?
In this week’s Weekly English Practice you have to decide if some stories are true or false. Watch, listen, read and decide! Click on the image to download the pdf If you get stopped by…
Recycle Your Tat With A Car Boot Sale
Do you have too many things? Is your house full of stuff you never use? You need to organise a car boot sale! Click on the image to download the pdf Do you have too many…
Nestlé launches a luxury KitKat for £14 a bar
The legendary Kitkat gets a gourmet makeover for Christmas, with 1,500 flavour combinations. But would you pay €15 for one? Click on the image to download the pdf KitKat, the tea-break snack, gets a gourmet…
Reading to learn is no walk in the park
In this week’s Weekly English Practice, ECP coach Ali describes how you can enhance your vocabulary by reading in English. Click on the image to download the pdf Reading to learn is no walk in…