Five Habits To Live Better And Fight Alzheimer’s 26/05/22 / Keyword: Alzheimer’s In his last WEP for ECP, coach Rob talks about following the advice of experts and his father-in-law to improve his quality of…
Posts Published byEnglish Coaching Projects Nortasun handiko ingeles klaseak
Test Your Knowledge of British Culture!
Test Your Knowledge of British Culture! 19/05/22 Keyword: British Learning about British culture and customs will help you to have successful interactions when visiting the UK. Try answering these quiz questions to see how much…
Musicians Who Despise Their Own Hit Songs
Musicians Who Despise Their Own Hit Songs 12/05/22 / Keyword: Song While every musician must be pleased with the royalties they receive from having a hit song, sometimes they aren’t that happy with the song…
John’s Guide To Vienna
“Oh, Vienna! It Means Something To Me!” 05/05/22 Keyword: Vienna Coach John recently visited the capital city of Austria and was very impressed. Here he gives a whistle-stop tourist guide of this beautiful and historic…
Free Curry Leaves Japan Defence Force Members In A Pickle
Free Curry Leaves Japan Defence Force Members In A Pickle 27/04/22 / Keyword: Curry ECP coaches love ‘curry’. Kez tells us how six members of the Japanese SDF (see text) received brief suspensions after years of…
Are You A Boomer, A Gen Xer, A Millennial Or A Zoomer?
Are You A Boomer, A Gen Xer, A Millennial Or A Zoomer? 14/04/22 / Keyword: Cohort At ECP, we have a baby boomer, three Gen Xers and a millennial, three different generational cohorts. ECP coach Rob…
What Harm Can One Drink Do?
What Harm Can One Drink Do? 07/04/22 / Keyword: harm Alcohol is portrayed as necessary for a vibrant social life, but this has diverted attention from the harms of even moderate alcohol use. Click HERE to download…
Don’t Like Science Fiction? This Will Change Your Mind!
Don’t Like Science Fiction? This Will Change Your Mind! 22/04/21 / Keyword: science fiction ECP coach Rob is fed up of not being able to talk about science fiction with his colleagues and students. In…
How One Company is Beautifying Wind Turbines
How One Company is Beautifying Wind Turbines 10/06/21 / Keyword: wind turbines Are wind turbines too big and ugly? Tulip-shaped ‘eco-art’ turbines try to address common complaints about noise, danger to wildlife and ugliness. Click…
The Making of a Basque, Bosnian, Geordie Filmmaker
The Making of a Basque, Bosnian, Geordie Filmmaker 17/06/21 / Keyword: filmmaker In this special interview, Gasteiz born, Glasgow-based filmmaker Yulene Hird talks about her projects, her life in Scotland, independence and deep fried Mars…