Write and Record a Song Today….for Free!


Coach Jarrod on Writing and recording a song for free 

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  • Convey: To communicate or express a message, idea, or feeling
  • Catchy: Easy to remember
  • Meaningful: Having significance, purpose, or value
  • Background: The part of a scene, image, or sound that is farthest from the viewer or listener; secondary or less prominent sounds in a recording.
  • MIDI: Musical Instrument Digital Interface; a technology that allows electronic musical instruments and computers to communicate and synchronize with each other.
  • DAW: Digital Audio Workstation; software used for recording, editing, and producing audio files.
  • Layering: The process of combining multiple tracks or sounds in a recording to create a fuller and more complex sound.
  • Flow: The smooth progression and connection of musical elements

Write and Record a Song Today….for Free!

Writing and recording a song for free today is entirely possible with the right tools and approach. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

 1. Songwriting

– Idea Generation: Start with a concept or emotion you want to convey. This could be based on personal experiences, stories, or abstract ideas.

– Lyrics: Write down the lyrics. Focus on a catchy chorus and meaningful verses. Use online rhyming dictionaries and thesauruses to enhance your vocabulary.

– Melody: Create a melody by humming or using a basic instrument like a keyboard or guitar. There are free virtual instruments online if you don’t own one.

2. Composing

– Chord Progressions: Find common chord progressions online. Websites like Ultimate Guitar provide chord charts and tabs for inspiration.

– Structure: Decide on the structure of your song (e.g., verse-chorus-verse). This helps in organizing your ideas cohesively.

 3. Recording

– Software: Download free digital audio workstations (DAWs) like Audacity, Cakewalk by BandLab, or Tracktion T7. These DAWs provide basic recording and editing capabilities.

– Microphone: Use your smartphone or laptop’s built-in microphone if you don’t have a professional one. Position yourself in a quiet room to minimize background noise.

– Instruments: Record any instruments you play. If you don’t play any, use free virtual instruments and MIDI controllers available in your DAW.

 4. Mixing and Editing

– Tracks: Record multiple takes of vocals and instruments. Layering them can add depth to your song.

– Effects: Apply basic effects like reverb, equalization, and compression using the pluginsavailable in your DAW.

– Editing: Trim, cut, and arrange your tracks to ensure they flow smoothly.

 5. Publishing

– Platforms: Share your song on free platforms like SoundCloud, YouTube, or Bandcamp. These platforms allow you to reach a wide audience without any cost.

– Social Media: Promote your song through social media channels to gain listeners.

With creativity and resourcefulness, you can write and record a professional-sounding song without spending any money. Utilize the wealth of free tools and resources available online to bring your musical ideas to life.


  1. What kind of music do you enjoy listening to, and have you ever thought about creating something similar?
  2. Have you tried using any music-making apps or software? There are some great free ones that are really beginner-friendly.
  3. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would it be and why?
  4. Did you know that you can make music just using your smartphone or computer? There are lots of online tutorials to get started.
  5. What’s a song that really inspires you? Have you ever thought about what goes into making it?