Amish Paradise


Coach Jarrod explores the Amish

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  • . **Anabaptist**: A member of a Protestant sect that believes in the necessity of baptism for adults and not infants and is committed to nonviolence and the separation of church and state.
  • 2. **Nonresistance**: The practice or principle of not resisting authority, violence, or coercion, often associated with pacifism.
  • 3. **Self-sufficiency**: The ability to fulfill one’s own needs without external assistance or reliance on others.
  • 4. **Buggies**: A light carriage pulled by horses, often used for transportation by the Amish.
  • 5. **Close-knit**: Describes a group of people who are closely united or bound together, often referring to strong relationships within a community.
  • 6. **Ordnung**: An unwritten set of rules or guidelines governing Amish life, regulating behavior, dress, and interactions within the community.
  • 7. **Enduring**: Persisting over a long period of time; continuing or lasting.

Amish Paradise

The Amish population, known for their traditional lifestyle, is estimated to be around 350,000 individuals primarily residing in rural areas of the United States, particularly in states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana.

The Amish are a religious community known for their simple lifestyle and strong sense of community. They originated from Swiss Anabaptist roots in the 16th century and follow a strict interpretation of the Bible, emphasizing humility, adult baptism, and nonresistance.

Living separately from the modern world, the Amish prioritize simplicity and self-sufficiency. They typically reside in rural areas, farming the land using traditional methods and relying on manual labor instead of machinery. Transportation is mainly by horse-drawn buggies, reflecting their commitment to a simpler way of life.

Family and community play vital roles in Amish life. They live in close-knit communities, following a set of unwritten rules known as the Ordnung, which regulates their behavior, dress, and interactions. Education ends after eighth grade, focusing on practical skills and values within their community.

While they seek separation from the secular world, the Amish engage in commerce with non-Amish businesses when necessary. However, they limit interactions with the government to avoid compromising their beliefs.

Despite challenges like urbanization and pressure to conform, the Amish population continues to grow, primarily in states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana. Their resilience and commitment to their beliefs reflect their enduring strength in a changing world, preserving their faith, tradition, and community.


  1. What home remedies do you use when you feel a cold coming on?
  2. Do you think people take enough precautions to avoid spreading colds and the flu? Why or why not?
  3. How do you tell the difference between a bad cold and the flu?
  4. With all the information available, why do you think some people still choose not to get vaccinated against the flu?
  5. Have you noticed an increase in the number of people getting sick lately? Do you think colds and the flu might be getting worse or longer-lasting?