Weekly English Practice

The Ever-Evolving Tale of Sleep

03/05/24 Coach Jarrod learns about sleep…zzzzzzzz Click HERE to download the Weekly English Practice as a PDF. USEFUL VOCABULARY Woven: process of creating fabric by interlacing threads or yarns together at right angles Mysticism: Belief in the existence of hidden truths or spiritual realities that are beyond human understanding. Rudimentary: Basic or undeveloped; simple. Hygiene: Practices or conditions conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially cleanliness….

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25/04/24 Coach John talks about William Shakespeare, who is believed to have been born and died on April 23rd. Click HERE to download the Weekly English Practice as a PDF. Useful Vocabulary englishcoachingprojects · SHAKESPEARE’S PLAYS, A SONNET AND BILBAO SHAKESPEARE’S PLAYS, A SONNET AND BILBAO Shakespeare’s plays are set in many locations, some of them fictional  Europe, Africa and the Middle East are all settings for…

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Is Impartial Journalism Possible?

18/04/24 Coach Jarrod searches for unbiased news…. Click HERE to download the Weekly English Practice as a PDF. USEFUL VOCABULARY 1. Watchdog organization -an individual or group that monitors the activities of another entity on behalf of the public to ensure that entity does not behave illegally or unethically 2. Sources- Origins or providers of information, often referring to individuals, documents, or organizations that supply data, facts,…

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11/04/24 Coach John talks about a Saudi woman serving 27 years in prison for re-tweeting in favour of free speech Click HERE to download the Weekly English Practice as a PDF. Useful Vocabulary englishcoachingprojects · 27 YEARS IN PRISON FOR RE-TWEETING 27 YEARS IN PRISON FOR RE-TWEETING Saudi prisoner Salma al-Shehab, is currently serving 27 years in prison solely for the ‘crime’ of posting tweets in support…

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Amish Paradise

21/03/24 Coach Jarrod explores the Amish Click HERE to download the Weekly English Practice as a PDF. USEFUL VOCABULARY . **Anabaptist**: A member of a Protestant sect that believes in the necessity of baptism for adults and not infants and is committed to nonviolence and the separation of church and state. 2. **Nonresistance**: The practice or principle of not resisting authority, violence, or coercion, often associated with…

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14/03/24 Coach John looks at the life of Albert Einstein, the theoretical physicist.  Click HERE to download the Weekly English Practice as a PDF. Useful Vocabulary englishcoachingprojects · The Life of Albert Einstein THE LIFE OF ALBERT EINSTEIN Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany on 14th March 1879. He was born into a Jewish family and had a sister called Maja. Surprisingly, Einstein didn’t really…

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Decoding Differences: Colds vs. Flu and Their Evolutionary Dance

07/03/24 On day 8 with a cold , Coach Jarrod explores 2 viruses. Click HERE to download the Weekly English Practice as a PDF. USEFUL VOCABULARY Stuffy: Feeling blocked or congested, especially in the nose or chest, making it difficult to breathe. Runny: Flowing freely, especially referring to a liquid like mucus from the nose. Cough: A sudden expulsion of air from the lungs, often accompanied by…

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THE MYTH OF (men are from) MARS AND (women are from) VENUS

29/02/24 Coach John considers the facts about how women and men talk. Are we really so different? Click HERE to download the Weekly English Practice as a PDF. Useful Vocabulary englishcoachingprojects · THE MYTH OF (men are from) MARS AND (women are from) VENUS THE MYTH OF (men are from) MARS AND (women are from) VENUS Since the 1990s, there has been a renewed interest in understanding…

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The Coen Bros.

22/02/24 Joel and Ethan Coen, collectively known as the Coen Brothers, are renowned American filmmakers who have made a significant mark on the world of cinema with their unique and eclectic style. Click HERE to download the Weekly English Practice as a PDF. USEFUL VOCABULARY 1. Burst to appear suddenly, explode into view 2. Showcase to exhibit or display a certain feature or talent 3. Penchant  a…

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15/02/24 Coach John talks about the outdated practice of ‘blackface’ which was on show in Carnival. Click HERE to download the Weekly English Practice as a PDF. Useful Vocabulary englishcoachingprojects · CHIMA MONEKE CALLS OUT CARNIVAL ‘BLACKFACE’ CHIMA MONEKE CALLS OUT CARNIVAL ‘BLACKFACE’ Chima Moneke (born 24 December 1995) is a Nigerian professional basketball player for Saski Baskonia of the ACB league and the EuroLeague. At 1.97…

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